My guard was still there when I awoke and stayed till I left. The park is $40 for 24 hours and $5 for the bike and now I don't have anymore money , I thought with 300 000 Ugandan Shillings I was golden but it goes fast. I headed to the ferry and 24 km through the park to a town just outside the park to an ATM. They allow you in the parks with a bike here and saw some elephants and plenty of plains game. Had three hours to get back to the ferry to do an evening boat cruise , so it proved to be a great little game drive and there is no one else around in the park. Crossed again with the ferry and straight to the cruise boat , and changed into my dirty clothes and boarded the vessel and off we went. Had a seat on my own , guess I must really smell bad , when it's 33 degrees C. you sweat like a pig when you are wrapped in a plastic bag , and reek a bit. Was an amazing cruise for three and a half hours and the game viewing was unbelievable, massive 50 year old crocodiles, hippo's, elephant's crossing the river into a herd of Cape Buffalo, it never ended ! Camped at Red Chili's ( $7 ) and had a huge hippo come into camp to eat , and the camp is a good mile from the river . Was a blurry nice day all in all.
Amazing stuff, Rooi. I hate to admit it, but I wish I were along for the journey, stink and all. Thanks so much for the time you put into these reports!